Olympic Champion calls it Quits

By World Triathlon Admin | 07 Mar, 2007

Tambin texto en espaol. Olympic champion and triathlon great, Hamish Carter of New Zealand, has retired from the sport of triathlon.  After months of hinting the end was near, Carter made his official retirement announcement on New Zealand television last night.

The lifestyle of a pro athlete is fantastic, traveling around the world and chasing the dream, commented the father of two.  But it has to come to an end.

The 35 year old Kiwi enjoyed a remarkable career which culminated with his success at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. 

“It was one of those experiences so massive and powerful that every time I think about it, it gives me goosebumps, “said Carter, reminiscing about the final 60 metres of his Olympic journey which began four years earlier at the Sydney Olympics, with a disappointing 26th place.

“The key to success is failure. If I didn’t have Sydney to wallow in, I wouldn’t have won in Athens. It [Sydney] was the worst day of my life, but one of the most important,” he added.

In over 14 years of racing, Carter won 12 World Cup races, a bronze medal at the 2002 Commonwealth Games and three world championship medals, two silver and one bronze, to secure his rank as arguably one of the sports greatest athletes.

Carter has flirted with retirement since his breakthrough win at Athens, but the lure of claiming a world championship gold medal kept him in the sport. At the 2006 world championships last year in Lausanne, Switzerland he was just off the mark with silver. 

There are just so many guys willing to do anything to get to the front and youve got to be so hungry and have so much drive and sometimes if you just cant do that youve just got to step aside, stated Carter after his silver-medal performance.

After Carters Olympic gold, the sport of triathlon exploded in New Zealand and made him an overnight celebrity.  He never forgot his roots, however, and continues to support the sport at all levels.  He still regularly attends the New Zealand national youth series and is at the finish line to hand out medals, sign autographs and congratulate the young athletes.

“It is hard to imagine our sport without Hamish,” commented ITU Executive Director, Loreen Barnett.  “He has had such a positive impact both on and off the field of play.  His contribution goes beyond the number of times that he has stood on the podium and I hope that he will stay involved at the sport leadership level.”

The temptation to continue heading into another Olympic qualifying year was huge but Carter weighed the options and made his decision.  He will, instead, join New Zealand entrepreneur of the year Rod Drury in his new online accounting systems business after being approached at Christmas.

Carter says the chance to take up what he calls his first real job was an “exit strategy” he could not turn down. He describes the opportunity as another big dream to fulfill, and says he made the decision after in-depth discussion with his wife Marisa and coach Chris Pilone.

Carter had these words to sum up his 14 years, The friendships you make in our sport are incredible and I think these friendships and fun times I’ve had I will remember for much longer than any results or races won/lost

Follow this link to see a list of Carters extensive ITU results

Carter is all smiles on top of the Olympic podium

Carter takes the lead at 2006 Lausanne World Championships


Campen Olmpico dice adis

El Campen Olmpico y gran triatleta, Hamish Carter de Nueva Zelanda, se ha retirado del deporte del triatln. Despus de meses sospechando que el final estaba cerca, Carter hizo oficial su retiro la pasada noche en la televisin Neozelandesa.

El estilo de vida de un atleta professional es fantstico, viajando alrededor del mundo y persiguiendo un sueo, coment este padre de dos. pero todo debe acabar.

Este Kiwi de 35 aos ha disfrutado de una sobresaliente carrera que culmin con su vistoria en los Juegos Olmpicos de Atenas de 2004.

Fue una de esas experiencias tan grande y ponderosa que cada vez que pienso en ella se me pone la piel de gallina, dijo Carter, rememorando los ltimos 60 metros de su joranada olmpica que empez cuatro aos antes en los Juegos de Sydney, con un decepcionante puesto 26.

La llave para el xito es el fracaso. Si no hubiese pinchado en Sydney no hubiese ganado en Atenas. Fue [Sydney] el peor momento de mi vida, pero uno de los ms importantes, aadi.

En ms de 14 aos compitiendo, Carter ha ganado 12 carreras de la Copa del Mundo, una medalla de bronce en los Juegos de la Commonwealth de 2002 y tres medallas en los campeonatos del mundo, dos de plata y una de bronce, para asegurar su posicin en el mundo del deporte como uno de los mejores atletas.

Carter ha estado jugueteando con su retirada desde su victoria en Atenas, pero el sueo de hacerse con una medalla de oro en el campeonato del mundo le ha mantenido en el deporte. En el Campeonato del Mundo de Lausanne en 2006, logr una medalla de plata.

Tengo tanta hambre de victoria y he entrenado tanto, pero todos buscamos lo mismo, que hay veces que slo puede echarte a un lado, dijo Carter despus de hacerse con la plata.

Despus del oro Olmpico de Carter, el deporte del triatln explot en Nueva Zelanda e hizo de l una celebridad. Nunca olvid sus orgenes, an as, y sigue apoyando el deporte a todos sus niveles. Todava atiende regularmente a las series nacionales de jvenes neozelandeses, y est en la lnea de meta para colgar medallas, firmar autgrafos y felicitar a los jvenes atletas.

La tentacin de seguir liderando en un ao de calificacin Olmpico era enorme pero Carter sopes las opciones y tom la decisin. Por el contrario, se unir al empresario del ao Rod Drury en su nuevo negocio de contabilidad por Internet despus de que se lo propusiesen en navidades. 

Carter dice que la oportunidad de tener lo que el llama su primer empleo de verdad era una estrategia de salida que no pda dejar pasar. Describe la oportunidad como otro gran sueo que cumplir, y tom la decisin despus de consultarla con su mujer Marisa y su entrenador Chris Pilone.

Carter tuvo estas palabras para resumir sus ltimos 14 aos, los amigos que haces en nuestro deporte son increbles y creo que ese compaerismo y buenos momentos que he pasado los voy a recordar an ms que los resultados o las carreras ganadas o perdidas
Ve4a una lista extendida de los resultados de Carter de la ITU

Carter es todo sonrisa en el podio olmpico

Carter se hace con el liderazgo en el Campeonato del Mundo de Lausanne